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HAPPY BiRTHDAY NAVEY!! celebrating Navey's adorable birthday bash with friends & delights! #shorts
NAVEY'S BiRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA!! family bubble party celebration at PiRATE iSLAND!! #shorts
ADLEYS CHRiSTMAS PERFORMANCE!! singing a solo with friends at the holiday concert! #shorts
SCOOTERS & ROLLERBLADES!! 🛴🛼 Adley Niko & Navey film their skating adventure on Alli's old camcorder
you are my SUNSHiNE!! Cartoon Adley & Navey SiNG & put on a PLAY in their sun costumes!! #shorts
ADLEY’S SKiTTLE EXPERiMENT!! A for Adley teaches Mark Rober SUGAR SCiENCE!! Adley visits CrunchLabs!
CHRiSTMAS MORNiNG with Adley, Niko, & Navey!! Snowy Elf has a Baby Sister! magical opening presents
CRAZY BABiES at the PARK!! Adley helps Navey get cereal then play Baby Moms! irl Spy Niko & Spy Dad
BEST BUDDiES!! Navey & her BFF find a roly poly & play with it on their walk!! #shorts
*1 HOUR* Pam Thomason TikToks 2023 | Funny Pam a Cake TikTok 2023
FASHiON show!! FAMiLY shows off FAVORiTE cute PRiNCESS outfits!! #shorts
Adley SiNGiNG!! @AforAdley Navey builds a FOAM TOWER while Adley sings a SONG! #shorts